Word Whomp Whackdown
Information from PogoAddiction.com

Ranks are done by a percentage based on the level of difficulty.  Therefore no set criteria is displayed for this game.

R Rank Rank Name Badge Name
0 Win! -
1 Apple -
2 Broccoli -
3 Celery -
4 Dandelion -
5 Eggplant -
6 Fig -
7 Gherkin -
8 Honeydew -
9 Iceberg Lettuce -
10 Jalapeno -
11 Kewi -
12 Leek -
13 Mushroom -
14 Nut -
15 Onion -
16 Pumpkin -
17 Quince -
18 Rutabaga -
19 Spinach -
20 Turnip -
21 Ugly Fruit -
22 Vidalia Onion -
23 Watermelon -
24 Extra Crispy Celery -
25 Yam -
26 Zucchini - Rank 1 -
27 Zucchini - Rank 2 -
28 Zucchini - Rank 3 -
29 Zucchini - Rank 4 -
30 Zucchini - Rank 5 -
31 Zucchini - Rank 6 -
32 Zucchini - Rank 7 -
33 Zucchini - Rank 8 -
34 Zucchini - Rank 9 -
35 Zucchini - Rank 10 -
36 Zucchini - Rank 11 -
37 Zucchini - Rank 12 -
38 Zucchini - Rank 13 -
39 Zucchini - Rank 14 -
40 Zucchini - Rank 15 -
41 Zucchini - Rank 16 -
42 Zucchini - Rank 17 -
43 Zucchini - Rank 18 -
44 Zucchini - Rank 19 -
45 Zucchini - Rank 20 Gold Carrot Badge

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